Monday, October 13, 2008


My marriage is a lot like U F C. There are A lot of people watching,people taking sides,placing bets,even a referee(GOD).But Through all of this Me and my wife are fighting champions cause we have been through just aboot everything and we are still fighting . How you like dem apples!!!


Anonymous said...

ur page is tight i like it especially the linkin park video and the pictures cool dude!!!

fReShSwAgG said...

I lIek Yo pAgE MaN Fo rEaL

aYe hOw u pUt vIdEoZ lIeK DaT On yO FrOnT PaGe

lInKin paRk Is cOoL
yO PaGe iS So fReAkIn FrEsH

fReShSwAgG said...

iRoN MaN 2 Is tIgHt